“Feel the fear and do it anyway!”― Susan Jeffers As a young child, I harboured a few fears, the kind some might consider run of the mill; heights, the dark, spiders, the dentist, and confined spaces. And while it’s true that some fear is innate and rational, a normal...
what a difference a YEAR makes
In April, we celebrated one year in our new home. While they say time flies, I have felt more like I am living in slow motion than at warp speed. This is partly due I’m sure to the slow and serene surroundings we now find ourselves in but I also think, at least in...
a LEAP of faith
In 1992, having recently had twin boys, we started a conversation around change; how could we raise our children with one parent at home? What might life look like if I gave up my career? And so, after much soul searching and a brief chat with our bank manager, we...